Hey, I am a long-term developer for some of the current servers that are always full. I have acquired a server, domains & funding :) Looking for those that want to admin this thing untill i pass it on to you once it gets going! contact me on discord: Feyzi#2638 or through pms on here if you are interested and want further information!
Servers done, website done, discord 90%, Need a productive team. The long-term staff members will be paid.
16+ for support/mod 18+ Mod+.
Maturity & productivity is key.
If you want to stick out be active.
Looking for Staff
Bump, Looking for a co-owner to run everything.
Are you still look for help or not?
Are you still look for help or not?
I think he said he was looking for Maturity & productivity and not some moron who bumps a 3 yr old post.