PrefabAttribute.Library does not contain a definition for GetAllFixed
after today update:

20:38 [Error] Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Oxide v.2.0.4023
Same here
Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?​

Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Rust made a change, the plugin willneed to be updated if able.
@FuJiCuRa can you update please?

Thx :)

(20:35:55) | Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Why bug ? This type contains GetAll :(

public abstract class PrefabAttribute : MonoBehaviour, IPrefabPreProcess
  public Vector3 worldPosition;
  public Quaternion worldRotation;
  public Vector3 worldForward;
  public Vector3 localPosition;
  public Vector3 localScale;
  public Quaternion localRotation;
  public string fullName;
  public string hierachyName;
  public uint prefabID;
  public int instanceID;
  public PrefabAttribute.Library prefabAttribute;
  public GameManager gameManager;
  public bool isServer;
  public static PrefabAttribute.Library server;
  protected PrefabAttribute();
  public bool isClient { get; }
  public virtual void PreProcess(IPrefabProcessor preProcess, GameObject rootObj, string name, bool serverside, bool clientside, bool bundling);
  protected virtual void AttributeSetup(GameObject rootObj, string name, bool serverside, bool clientside, bool bundling);
  protected abstract System.Type GetIndexedType();
  public static bool operator ==(PrefabAttribute x, PrefabAttribute y);
  public static bool operator !=(PrefabAttribute x, PrefabAttribute y);
  public override bool Equals(object o);
  public override int GetHashCode();
  public static implicit operator bool(PrefabAttribute exists);
  public override string ToString();
  public class AttributeCollection
    public T[] Find<T>();
    public void Add(PrefabAttribute attribute);

  public class Library
    public PrefabAttribute.AttributeCollection Find(uint prefabID);
    public T Find<T>(uint prefabID) where T : PrefabAttribute;
    public T[] FindAll<T>(uint prefabID) where T : PrefabAttribute;
    public T[] GetAll<T>() where T : PrefabAttribute;
    public void Add(uint prefabID, PrefabAttribute attribute);
hopefully someone will fix this quick.

people in the server going mental :(
Plugin isn't working in any servers, please release the update when you can FuJiCuRa

Thanks in advance!
Also waiting eagerly for this to be patched.
Thanks for all effort!
After update i get this error

Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
In response to Lemo ():
After update i get this error

Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061...
Yes all of us are right now, we're waiting for the author to update it.
Or if somebody else got some way around it
Is there a fix for this yet?

Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Also waiting on the update, until it is released it will be hard to PVE build.

Get thes Error after updat 
| Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(430,65): error CS1061: Type `PrefabAttribute.Library' does not contain a definition for `GetAll' and no extension method `GetAll' of type `PrefabAttribute.Library' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

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