Limit The Use of the Remover Tool

Is there a way to cofigure the plugin to limit the total amount of entities a player can remove with the Remover Tool plug-in? (e.g. like 10 items over a period of time?)

You can use the permissions system to limit the time the player has to remove items/objects and the amount of cooldown before they can use it again.

"Permission Settings (Just for normal type)": {//You can add more permissions here. but "removertool.normal" is necessary
    "removertool.normal": {
      "Priority": 0,
      "Distance": 3.0,
      "Cooldown": 60.0,
      "Max Time": 300,
      "Remove Interval (Min = 0.2)": 1.0,
      "Max Removable Objects (0 = Unlimited)": 50,//Maximum removable object each time the remover tool is enabled
      "Pay": true,
      "Refund": true,
      "Reset the time after removing an entity": false​