I add the plugin into my server and nothing happens. I type /remove it says no command i look into my config folder it has no config and yes i have the new updated version of the plugin
Plugin not loading (no details)Not An Issue
To check it is actually loaded type /plugins in rcon/console to check that it comes up
:( My bad, wasnt paying attention.
Sounds like the plugin isn’t actually loaded. Check your oxide/logs for errors.
i checked and cant seem to find anything
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can someone help
In response to erykinfloz ():i checked and cant seem to find anything
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????can someone help
What did you check for? You would need to check your game log files to see if there are any errors loading it, if the oxide.version command replies, if Oxide log files are being created and updated under its folder, or if the local console for it shows indications of Oxide; otherwise you would need to reinstall and make sure you do not have anything uninstalling it via updating.
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