Restrict removal within set time of placing itemSolved
Hello, I do not know if this is something that can be done or if I am misreading the config. I took Remove away from people because they were using it to hide loot in walls/floor. I am trying to configure it so people can use when they make a mistake on a build and I am not available to help.  
What I would like to do is set it so they have a set amount of time from the time they place the item to the time they can remove it. Say 3 minutes. If they decide they do not want that wall in that spot after 3 minutes, the remove tool will not work. This way they can't keep hiding loot in wall or floor and removing the panel to get to the loot.
Does the max time/default time listed below solve for that or only how long the remover tool is active when you do /remove?
  "Remove - Normal - Use Building Owners (You will need Building Owners plugin)": true,
  "Remove - Normal - Use Clans": true,
  "Remove - Normal - Use Entity Owners": true,
  "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (Friends)": true,
  "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (RustIO)": true,
  "Remove - Normal - Use Tool Cupboards (strongly unrecommended)": false,
  "Remove - Time - Default": 30,
  "Remove - Time - Max": 300​
Might be possible by comparing against the objects "creationFrame". I can take a look into this.
Having the same problem. This is a great suggestion.
One workaround I do at the moment is I only allow the remove tool to be used once every 12 hours. This ensure people are not using it in the way your discribe.
In response to DragonGate ():
One workaround I do at the moment is I only allow the remove tool to be used once every 12 hours. Th...
Good idea, how did you do that?
In response to Sensei ():
Good idea, how did you do that?
Well I had to change somethings in the .cs file as it's set to 30 cooldown maxium but when people want to know how longs left it would just keep repeating the 60 seconds countdown for every mintue so I had to adjust the countdown timer in .cs file.
Any updates @FujiCuRa?

It would be great to have an option to prohibit removing items/walls they placed, after a certain time.
Really need this to happen.
5b3cf8f46c05c.png FuJiCuRa
Might be possible by comparing against the objects "creationFrame". I can take a look into this.

Hopefully as an "option" as i dont care how much my players use this function, if they want to hide loot and make it harder for raiders to find it , why not ?

5b3cf8f46c05c.png FuJiCuRa
Might be possible by comparing against the objects "creationFrame". I can take a look into this.

Maybe look at this, I switch to this a long time ago and it's suitable for vanilla. You can pick up items only after 5 minutes after placing things.

Any updates FuJiCuRa?
Enable here.
    "RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Enabled": false,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Cannot be removed when entity spawned time more than it": 300.0​
Locked automatically