Price doesn't displaySolved
When removing let's say stone foundation and let's say I have required amount of stone in my inventory tool is showing how much of it I will pay and get it refunded.... But if I don't have necessary recourses then tool will just say that i don't have them.... But won't say witch one

So is there way to display price and refund at all times?
If the player doesn't have enough resources, let the player check inventory. xD

Ok ill explain again for simple minded XD XD XD 

when a comand /remove is being used and u aim at "lets say" wooden foundation that cost 100wood and inventory contains 100wood 
but as u aim at "lets say" Tier3 workbench that cost "Jackhammer" to be removed and player dosent have "Jackhammer" in inventory and dosent know that it cost 1x "Jackhammer" to remove Tier3 workbench with /remove command 

So is there a way for UI to display price at all times even if inventory lacks necesary resources to remove item 

this is like going to shop and you cant know price of product unless u have money in your pocket 

Ahhhh, Sorry, my bad.
U legend ... works perfect 
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