Prevent owners using remove if building blocked?Solved
Hey so my players are telling me they can /remove there base if they got raided and they no longer have building access. How do I make it so they are not able to /remove if in a building blocked area. I do not want to use the TOOLCUPBOARD option bc I dont want people that dont own the entity to remove it just want to block the intial player that placed the entity not to be able to /remove if they dont have the auth on the tc. Please help :) 
    "Use Entity Owners": true,
    "Use Tool Cupboards (Strongly unrecommended)": true,

Enable them...

5c18c7da631b5.jpg Arainrr
    "Use Entity Owners": true,
    "Use Tool Cupboards (Strongly unrecommended)": true,

Enable them...

Yeah but wont the player that put the tc down be able to /remove the base that they raided? Or how does that work? 

Players need to be the entity owner and have TC authorization to remove the entity
5c18c7da631b5.jpg Arainrr
Players need to be the entity owner and have TC authorization to remove the entity
Got it ok was just really confused on what setting the TC option to true would do. Thanks for the help :)
hello how to make the Building Owners cant use /remove if he not have the TC (Building Block) .. also how to Building Owners remove other player blocks if they Building in his base .. thank you
    "Use Entity Owners": false,
    "Use Tool Cupboards (Strongly unrecommended)": true,


Thank you <3
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