Sporadically not allowed to remove my own structures
My players have some issues with removing their own items.

This player here, has no friends (haha!), and placed his items himself, and got Cupboard privilege.
He still cannot remove his own Workbench lvl 2.

  "Settings": {
    "Use Clans": false,
    "Use Friends": true,
    "Use Entity Owners": true,
    "Use Tool Cupboards (Strongly unrecommended)": false,
    "Use Building Owners (You will need BuildingOwners plugin)": false,
    "Remove Button": "FIRE_PRIMARY",
    "Remove Interval (Min = 0.2)": 0.5,
    "RemoveType - All/Structure - Remove per frame": 20,
    "RemoveType - All/Structure - No item container dropped": true,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Max Removable Objects - Exclude admins": true,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Cooldown - Exclude admins": true,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Check stash under the foundation": false,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Enabled": false,
    "RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Cannot be removed when entity spawned time more than it": 30.0
  }, ​

he didnt place it then
The entity owner may not be him
he said he did. Why should another player place it there?
I even asked if an admin placed it, but no, he placed it himself. (That's why i mentioned it)
And it is not the only player having issues with it.

Is there a way to log those actions somewhere?
Like: "08.02.2020 UserID XXX tried to remove Item YYY. Denied: Entity Owner ID ZZZ does not match UserID XXX "?
So i could at least look up whats going on here?
I doubt there is a player here, who get's into houses and gets cupboard permissions just to place random items to annoy people who are trying to remove them :D
Look at the workbench and type "ent who" in F1. View entity owner
I will try that next time a player got a problem with that. Thank you