Friends support does not work anymoreFixed
since 1-2 updates i am not able to use remover-tool on structures that were placed by my friend.

We tried:
Unfriend/Friend each other again
Set the friend-config to false/true & reload

We still get the message:

Btw: Even when i use the config:
"Remove - Normal - Use Tool Cupboards (strongly unrecommended)": true,   ​

i am still not able to remove items.

So currently i am not able to remove anything that is not placed by myself.

A quickfix would be to replace "HasFriendS" with "HasFriend" in the plugin.

Are you using TruePVE ?
I had a similar issue once and had to set Ruleflag "CupboardOwnership" to get it to work.

5d485c0d7001e.png?uid=5d485c56dcf2c FuelStream

Are you using TruePVE ?
I had a similar issue once and had to set Ruleflag "CupboardOwnership" to get it to work.

The plugin needs to be updated for Friends changes; as shown above.

Oh... My bad.
5e13a8d5b2bc5.jpg Wulf

The plugin needs to be updated for Friends changes; as shown above.

I got several issues where "friends" is not working properly.
Is it possible to just implement a "HasFriendS()" again and calling "HasFriend()" instead of quickfixing some plugins?

It it the same for all Hooks with "S" in the end?
Like that one?

return (bool)Friends?.Call("AreFriendsS", playerId.ToString(), friendId.ToString());

Merged post

Ok thanks @Wulf
i got the RemoverTool and UpLifted working again with friend support :)
The plugins would never be updated if it remained.
Locked automatically