Will leave the post in case anyone else comes under the same issue.
Hey Fuji, sorry to bother you, I've spent a couple hours wracking my head around the config and can't seem to figure out why my juice isn't flowing.
Here's the problem. I have two.
Edit: SOLVED: Apparently after reloading the config and reloading the plugin multiple times.., it has accepted the changes. : I am attempting to only allow certain entities to be removed.
For example, twigs, foundation, are set to False, but myself and normal players are still able to use the remover tool to remove them.
Could you please give me a hint or some advice on how this feature works? I've pasted my config.
EDIT: I had the names wrong in the config. SOLVED. Second problem: I am attempting to have the remove tool have a cost of Economics, specifically using the "withdraw" line in the cost, as you can see in my config. However when it comes to removing items in game (specifically the workbenchs), the cost is free, and there isn't a reduction in economic currency. Do I have the correct shortnames for the workbenchs?
Will leave the post in case anyone else comes under the same issue.
Hey Fuji, sorry to bother you, I've spent a couple hours wracking my head around the config and can't seem to figure out why my juice isn't flowing.
Here's the problem. I have two.
Edit: SOLVED: Apparently after reloading the config and reloading the plugin multiple times.., it has accepted the changes. : I am attempting to only allow certain entities to be removed.
For example, twigs, foundation, are set to False, but myself and normal players are still able to use the remover tool to remove them.
Could you please give me a hint or some advice on how this feature works? I've pasted my config.
EDIT: I had the names wrong in the config. SOLVED. Second problem: I am attempting to have the remove tool have a cost of Economics, specifically using the "withdraw" line in the cost, as you can see in my config. However when it comes to removing items in game (specifically the workbenchs), the cost is free, and there isn't a reduction in economic currency. Do I have the correct shortnames for the workbenchs?
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Admin": 2,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - All": 2,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Normal": 0,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Override": 1,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Target": 1,
"Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Admin": "removertool.admin",
"Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - All": "removertool.all",
"Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Normal": "removertool.remove",
"Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Override": "removertool.override",
"Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Target": "removertool.target",
"Remove - Check held item - Always": false,
"Remove - Check held item - Start": true,
"Remove - Cooldown - Enabled": false,
"Remove - Cooldown - ExcludeAdmins": true,
"Remove - Cooldown - Time": 60.0,
"Remove - Distance - Admin": 20,
"Remove - Distance - All/Structure": 100,
"Remove - Distance - Normal": 3,
"Remove - Gibs - Admin": false,
"Remove - Gibs - All": false,
"Remove - Gibs - Normal": false,
"Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box": true,
"Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Allowed Background": "0.1 1 0.1 0.3",
"Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
"Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
"Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Refused Background": "1 0.1 0.1 0.3",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Max Anchor (in Entity Box)": "1 1",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Min Anchor (in Entity Box)": "0.05 0",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Main Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0",
"Remove - GUI - Main Box - Max Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.4 0.95",
"Remove - GUI - Main Box - Min Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.1 0.65",
"Remove - GUI - Price": true,
"Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.80",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.60",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.3 1",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.05 0",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "1 1",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.35 0",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Refund": true,
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.60",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.40",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.3 1",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.05 0",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "1 1",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.35 0",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 1",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.9",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Max Anchor (in Remove Box)": "1 1",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Min Anchor (in Remove Box)": "0.1 0",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Color": "1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 1",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 0.9",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Max Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0.9 1",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Min Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0 0",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
"Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Size": 16,
"Remove - Normal - Allowed Entities": {
"A floor grill": true,
"Armored Door": false,
"Armored Double Door": false,
"Auto Turret": false,
"Barbed Wooden Barricade": true,
"Bed": false,
"Camp Fire": false,
"Ceiling Light": false,
"Chainlink Fence": true,
"Chainlink Fence Gate": false,
"Code Lock": false,
"Concrete Barricade": false,
"Corn Seed": false,
"Doorway": false,
"Double Sign Post": false,
"Floor": false,
"Floor Frame": false,
"Floor Triangle": false,
"Foundation": false,
"Foundation Steps": false,
"Furnace": false,
"Hemp Seed": false,
"High External Stone Gate": true,
"High External Stone Wall": true,
"High External Wooden Gate": true,
"High External Wooden Wall": true,
"Huge Wooden Sign": true,
"Jack O Lantern Angry": false,
"Jack O Lantern Happy": false,
"Ladder Hatch": false,
"Land Mine": false,
"Landscape Picture Frame": true,
"Lantern": false,
"Large Banner Hanging": true,
"Large Banner on pole": true,
"Large Furnace": true,
"Large Water Catcher": true,
"Large Wood Box": false,
"Large Wooden Sign": true,
"Lock": false,
"Low Wall": false,
"Metal": false,
"Metal Barricade": true,
"Metal horizontal embrasure": false,
"Metal Vertical embrasure": false,
"Metal Window Bars": false,
"Mining Quarry": false,
"One Sided Town Sign Post": true,
"Pillar": false,
"Pookie Bear": false,
"Portrait Picture Frame": true,
"Prison Cell Gate": false,
"Prison Cell Wall": true,
"Pump Jack": false,
"Pumpkin Seed": false,
"Reactive Target": false,
"Reinforced Window Bars": false,
"Repair Bench": false,
"Research Table": false,
"Roof": false,
"Salvaged Shelves": true,
"Sandbag Barricade": true,
"Sheet Metal Door": false,
"Sheet Metal Double Door": false,
"Shop Front": false,
"Single Sign Post": true,
"Sleeping Bag": false,
"Small Oil Refinery": true,
"Small Stash": false,
"Small Stocking": false,
"Small Water Catcher": false,
"Small Wooden Sign": true,
"Snap Trap": false,
"Stairs L Shape": false,
"Stone": false,
"Stone Barricade": true,
"SUPER Stocking": false,
"Survival Fish Trap": false,
"Tall Picture Frame": true,
"Tool Cupboard": false,
"TopTier": false,
"Triangle Foundation": false,
"Twigs": false,
"Two Sided Hanging Sign": true,
"Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign": true,
"Two Sided Town Sign Post": true,
"U Shaped Stairs": false,
"Wall": false,
"Wall Frame": false,
"Water Barrel": false,
"Water Purifier": false,
"Wind Turbine": false,
"Window": false,
"Wood": false,
"Wood Double Door": false,
"Wood Shutters": false,
"Wood Storage Box": false,
"Wooden Barricade": true,
"Wooden Door": false,
"Wooden Floor Spikes": true,
"Wooden Ladder": false,
"Wooden Sign": true,
"Wooden Window Bars": false,
"Work Bench Level 1": false,
"workbench2": true,
"workbench3": true,
"XL Picture Frame": true,
"XXL Picture Frame": true
"Remove - Normal - Drop items from StorageContainer": true,
"Remove - Normal - Enable remove of not empty storages": true,
"Remove - Normal - Price": {
"Work Bench Level 2": {
"withdraw": 32
"workbench 1": {
"withdraw": 32
"workbench 3": {
"withdraw": 32
"Remove - Normal - PriceEnabled": true,
"Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker": false,
"Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Buildings": true,
"Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players": true,
"Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players - Radius": 120,
"Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - Time": 300,
"Remove - Normal - Refund": {
"Work Bench Level 1": {
"work bench level 1": 1
"Work Bench Level 2": {
"work bench level 2": 1
"Work Bench Level 3": {
"work bench level 3": 1
"Remove - Normal - RefundEnabled": true,
"Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects": false,
"Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects - exclude BuildingBlocks": true,
"Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects percentage": 90,
"Remove - Normal - Use Building Owners (You will need Building Owners plugin)": false,
"Remove - Normal - Use Clans": false,
"Remove - Normal - Use Entity Owners": true,
"Remove - Normal - Use Friends (Friends)": false,
"Remove - Normal - Use Friends (RustIO)": false,
"Remove - Normal - Use Tool Cupboards (strongly unrecommended)": false,
"Remove - Time - Default": 30,
"Remove - Time - Max": 300