R-Remover tool not following permissionsSolved
I installed R-Remover tool (link) and I would like only one of my groups to be able to use it (e.g. my gold group).  So I did "oxide.grant group gold removertool.remove".  My default shows that they are unable to use it. I know this because when I do "oxide.revoke group default removetool.remove" it tells me that this group does not have this permission.  When I check default group's permissions with "oxide.show group default"  it just shows "Group 'default' permissions: "  (blank).  Which is odd, since they do have permissions for other plugins such as ones to use the  /players command. Maybe they aren't loading in this case?

Even more odd is that when I do "remove.allow false" in console, players can still all use the tool even though the console says it is disabled for all users except admin. 

Any thoughts as to why this is?
Update on this - after moving away from cmd into powershell, text loads much better.  When I chec 'default' permissions, I do see they only have one permission (playerlist.allow).  My gold group with 3 players in it is the only group that has removertool.remove allowed, yet all players can use the /remove functionality.  I've went over everything a bunch and can't figure it out. Is this a bug?

Sounds like the default group had the other group with the permission set as its parent. 

oxide.group parent default ""

Thanks Wulf, will try it out. 
@wulf Still not working unfortunately
The plugin checks for auth level as defined in the configuration before the permissions themselves, so I'd check that as well. Any player with or greater than the auth level set in the configuration would have access.
Hey @Wulf thanks for the help thus far... My auth levels are the default. Maybe they shouldn't be? I was under the impression assigning the 'removertool.remove' permission to a group would give them the permission to use the tool and everyone who doesn't have that permission (e.g. the 'default' group) would not be allowed to use the tool.  The rest of the config I haven't modified except to remove the cost of using the tool in game.
I don't know then, sorry. From the plugin, it looks like it handles it properly, so I don't see why it wouldn't. The way it handles permissions is the same as every other plugin pretty much. I'm still leaning toward something being odd with your group setup, but unsure what.
Ill keep messsing with it. I appreciate all the help Wulf! 
Still haven't figure it out, getting desparate. Maybe its another plugin messing with it? Can't imagine what though.

I set all groups to have their parent group as "" and then removed the plugin completely. Then I removed all groups.  I created a single group ('gold') with the permission.  Still though, all members who join the server are able to use the remove tool.  If I check 'default' users it doesn't show that permission available. It is only available to my 'gold' group.  Other permissions are working properly, just this tool having issues. 

@FuJiCuRa any thoughts?
What other plugins are you using?

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Just purchased cloud hosting. Transferred the mods and configs to a completely new server without any groups.  Fresh oxide install. And remove is still available to everyone.

In this pic, you can see that the user 'edw' only has two permissions. The 'default' group only has those two permissions.  Yet 'edw' can still use /remove.  

Pic: https://i.imgur.com/cz1wo9l.png

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Well, after all that, it was a simple config change.  In the beginning of the config file, I had to change the auth levels up a level. I changed the numbers +1 so the top of the config now looks like:
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Admin": 3,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - All": 3,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Normal": 1,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Override": 2,
"Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Target": 2,

This seemed to work. Now my 'gold' group is set to '1' and has permissions, but the default group doesn't.  Thanks again for everyone who helped troubleshoot. 
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