FormatException: Input String is not in a correct format
I am getting the error message: FormatException: Input String is not in a correct format

80 - 90 % of the time when the Paratroopers are just about to jump out of the plane. Occassionaly it does work and they do jump. 

Just most of the time. They do not and this error message appears. 

I have tried to many different settings. Can anyone please help? 
Sounds like you have one of the settings or something off on your config file. Run a JSON validator on it. Also compare it to the documentation where the configuration section is and compare them.
5d35f1495da0a.jpg FastBurst
Sounds like you have one of the settings or something off on your config file. Run a JSON validator on it. Also compare it to the documentation where the configuration section is and compare them.

I would assume the lang file rather than config, but the full error would tell for sure.

Thanks for your responses. I tried competley removing the plugin and all its related files and reinstalling with the default config file. 

Still the same thing happens, as soon as the plane is at the point where it would drop the paratroopers. The error appers in the console: "FormatException: Input String was not in a correct format" 

and the paratroopers do not drop and the plane just flies overhead. 

Could some other plugin be conflicting, how would I get the full error like you mentioned Wulf? 
If you have Kits installed I would leave that one and Paratroopers and see if you still get the error with all others removed. If you don't then yes that there is something with another plugin. As Wulf stated, check the language files and make sure those are there too (most people forget about those)
Hi FastBurst, 

I have spent many hours over the last couple days trying to get this to work. I have tried with no kits and the default settings for the plugin and checked the lang files. 

Still the same thing happens, its really hard to identify the issue. As sometimes it will work fully, as in we can call /pt random or /pt player many times and it works perfectly no problem. In one case it worked 8 times in a row. Then with no changes to the settings, all of a sudden in then failed 5 times in a row giving the error message stated above. 

I have spent over 40 hours trying to get this plugin to work, as its such a good plugin when it works properly. Can you give any further advise or assistance on how to fix this?