Loot too easy when paratroopers kill themselvesFixed
firstly thank you so much for the update with crates etc! Great work.

Ive just had reported to me of a potential GAME BREAKING bug though, when the time runs out and the paratroopers die/kill themselves they die and drop all their loot on the floor.

So people are now just waiting till they get notified they have all expired themselves, then looting tonnes of great loot. I mean its crazy.

When they expire they should disappear! PLEASE!

2 Potential ways to address this. You can change the loot setting for them to Default and it will just give default from Rust, or Inventory from the Kit. If your Kit has nothing in the main inventory there shouldnt be much to loot if anything. 

In the next update I will see about making a config option for the Paratroopers, if despawned or killed self, to give the option to strip the Kit or inventory. also maybe adding an config option if they kill themselves or the despawn timer is hit to completely removed the Paratrooper themselves.

as you called it though its a despawn timer, so why not just despawn them entirely? no need to go overboard with it, just is a problem that when they hit the despawn timer they just drop dead with plenty of loot on them lol.

For now yes I can do that, but dont really want them to have no loot on them tbh.
Fixed with new release.
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