hello I would like to know if some one have this message on the console before if so can help me please? thanks

(21:10:30) | 2334MB 12500MB 135FPS 2m15s False
(21:10:30) | 1458MB 4361MB 19FPS 19s False
(21:10:30) | 1222MB 8018MB 108FPS 1m48s False
(21:10:32) | 1223MB 8017MB 99FPS 1m39s False
(21:11:31) | 1245MB 8024MB 92FPS 1m32s False
(21:11:31) | 2343MB 12484MB 142FPS 2m22s False
(21:11:31) | 1465MB 4373MB 18FPS 18s False