Can someone help me repair the plugin?

Hello, someone once created the plugin for me. But I no longer have contact with them. Can anyone help me get it working again?

Error while compiling Common: 'PlayerInventory' does not contain a definition for 'AllItems' and no accessible extension method 'AllItems' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerInventory' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 34, Pos: 48

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Oxide.Core;
using Random = System.Random;

namespace Oxide.Plugins

[Info("Common", "whazza", "0.0.1")]
public class Common : RustPlugin

#region EconomyMiddleware

private void OnEconomicsDeposit(string playerId, double amount)
var player = BasePlayer.Find(playerId);
if (!player) return;
if (player.IsAlive())
player.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(-932201673, (int)Math.Round(amount, 0)), BaseEntity.GiveItemReason.PickedUp);

private void OnEconomicsWithdrawl(string playerId, double amount)
var player = BasePlayer.Find(playerId);
if (!player) return;
if (!player.IsAlive()) return;

var playerItems = player.inventory.AllItems();
var am = (int) amount;

if (ItemCount(playerItems, "scrap", 0) < am) return;

player.inventory.Take(null, -932201673, am);

private static int ItemCount(IEnumerable<Item> items, string shortname, ulong skin)
return items.Where(item => == shortname && !item.isBroken && (skin == 0 || == skin)).Sum(item => item.amount);


change player.inventory.AllItems();
to player.inventory.GetAllItems();