Bypass interrupt for custom monument

I have added custom monuments to my server. I have set up these monuments with the ntp add and set commands. I am unable to TP to these while hostile just like bandit and outpost with the hostile interrupt to true. I do not want to disable hostile interrupts for outpost or bandit but do need to be able to tp to these custom monuments while hostile. If I set the hostile interrupt to false then I can TP to bandit and outpost and die to defenses. How would I go about disabling hostile interrupts for custom monuments and not bandit/outpost?

hi, you can't. hostile interrupt is specifically for bandit, outpost and manually added towns (ntp or anything listed under Dynamic Commands).

I added Interrupt -> Hostile Includes Towns in the next update so you can disable it.

for now you can edit the .cs 

mode == "bandit" || mode == "outpost" || mode == "town"​
change that to this:
mode == "bandit" || mode == "outpost"​

Got it. Thank you

Hello nivex

Not sure why, but this does not seem to be working for me.
Have spent some time experimenting, trying to get this working, so our custom spawn points dont have the hostile interupt on them.

Have tried this method.

mode == "bandit" || mode == "outpost"​

But we still get the hostile warning when trying to teleport to one of our custom spawn points.

Then tried using the new flag you added.
Interrupt -> Hostile Includes Towns set to false.
But we still have the same result, problem.

Am I missing something?
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Hostile Includes Towns")]
public bool IncludeHostileTown { get; set; } = false;

hi, what command are you using? custom spawn points will still be blocked for interrupt at bandit and outpost. that option does not exclude bandit or outpost. only custom towns.

Thanks for your reply.

As an example, one of our custom locations is the plublic HQM quarry.So the command being used for this location is /hqm.
If a player for examnple shoots a pig, and then tries to teleport to the HQM quarry, He gets the hostile cannot teleport warning. It does not matter where on the map he is trying to teleport from.

hi, sorry for the confusion caused by the above messages.

if you are editing the .cs file then this is why that is not working. you need to set Hostile Includes Towns to false in your config file

Thank you.

Will try that for each custom command and update.

Merged post

Still having issues. Now thinking its a Carbon problem.

Editing the config json file directly. Did the below testing.

"Hostile": true,
"Hostile Includes Towns": false,
No hostile check seems to be in place, players can tp straight to Outpost, and be gunned down.
Players can TP to HQM, as no hostile check seems to be in place.

"Hostile": true,
"Hostile Includes Towns": true,
Hostile check is in place for Outpost and bandit.
But is also in place for custom locations like the HQL quarry.

"Hostile": false,
"Hostile Includes Towns": true,
No hostile check seems to be in place, players can tp straight to Outpost, and be gunned down.
Players can TP to HQM, as no hostile check seems to be in place.

"Hostile": false,
"Hostile Includes Towns": false,
No hostile check seems to be in place, players can tp straight to Outpost, and be gunned down.
Players can TP to HQM, as no hostile check seems to be in place.