When attacking a zombie in the Zombie Horde plugin, you are combat blocked even though it is an NPC.
Zombie Horde Plugin Combat Blocking
Any chance on getting a fix here?
Happy Holidays?
I think the main reason no one's even responded to you is a two-fold issue.
1. It's very simple to add a custom NPC value into this kind of detection system, and people that are operating servers are expected to be able to perform such menial tasks (but people tend to forget not everyone is setting up a PUBLIC server, and just want to 'craft their own experience for them and a few friends to enjoy.')
2. These plugins often-times go overlooked, and unmaintained, plus people have lives outside of developing these plugins.
That said, I won't spoonfeed you, but I will give you hints.
On the page for ZombieHorde you'll see that K1lly0u lists what the flag is for these NPCs. You need to take that value, and insert it into the combat settings to match with the hook detector.
If you know what you're doing it should take you all but 30 seconds to fix this with a single line of code consisting of 28 characters counting whitespace.
Server and community owners are not expected to write code. I have no idea what you are talking about, thanks for the hint.