hmm thanks Wulf but i dont see money time in my lang folder...
Merged post
this is my config
"Base payout amount": 100,
"Payout interval (seconds)": 3600,
"Time alive bonus": false,
"Time alive multiplier": 0.0,
"New player welcome bonus": 100.0,
"Permission-based mulitipliers": {
"donor": 2.5,
"vip": 5.0
Merged post
i see this in the plugin folder so how come i dont get the message in global chat?
lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
["ReceivedForPlaying"] = "You've received $payout.amount for actively playing",
["ReceivedForTimeAlive"] = "You've received $payout.amount for staying alive for $time.alive",
["ReceivedWelcomeBonus"] = "You've received $payout.amount as a welcome bonus"
}, this);