Issue with Indoor Supply Signals

Would it be possible to add a config option to prevent supply signals from being dropped inside a base? Or if that is not possible, perhaps preventing them from being dropped if you are building blocked?

We have had issues with players spawning the instant drops in their base and it breaking things and also using it to grief other players by throwing it through an open window for example and trapping them inside.

you can try this, change in .cs:
if (config.SupplyDrop.Bypass)
if (config.SupplyDrop.Bypass && !player.IsNearEnemyBase(ss.WorldSpaceBounds()))

this will block the instant spawn if thrownn in an enemy base, and spawn the drop on the top of the base/area instead.

I'd have to do something else for when they do have auth.

Thanks! I will give this a try.