Can the author increase support for NPCs?

For example:
"Npc Settings": {
"Messages": {
"Broadcast Kill Notification To Chat": true,
"Broadcast Kill Notification To Killer": true,
"Broadcast Locked Notification To Chat": true
"Enabled": true,
"Damage Lock Threshold": 10,
"Lock For X Seconds (0 = Forever)": 300,
"Minimum Starting Health Requirement": 2000.0,
"Lock BossMonster Npcs": true,
"Block Looting Only": true,
"Rust Rewards RP": 0.0

"Locked Npc": "{0}: {2} has been locked to <color=#FF0000>{1}</color> and their team",

Merged post

"NpcUnlocked":"{1} at {0} has been unlocked."

hi, I can note this down