Checking to see if this is the latest file. I cant load plugins.
Heat plugins not working
I haven't been able to update the server yet due to no access to my desktop.
Thanks for the update Wulf ...
Any word of an update?
SadpandaAny word of an update?
Working on it, it's not entirely working at the moment as there are some issues with the new compiler.
Appreciate the update. Thank you.Wulf
Working on it, it's not entirely working at the moment as there are some issues with the new compiler.
Is there any update on this because ive been trying to take heat to the next level as they just left early access
trashman112Is there any update on this because ive been trying to take heat to the next level as they just left early access
It won't really be usable until uMod is released, sorry. We aren't supporting newer games with Oxide, only uMod. We're hoping to have test builds available within the next few months, if not sooner.
Is there any new info? I'm really interested in getting something like this working for my HEAT server.
Damien253Is there any new info? I'm really interested in getting something like this working for my HEAT server.
Not at the moment. Support for Heat and other games will come once uMod's core and tools are usable enough to install without issues.