I am unable to start Guarded Crate using the Console command. I did recreate the Data, Config and Lang files. I need to use the Console command in order to have Timed Execute run my command to start a specific event on a schedule at a specified location.
The command I am using is: "gcrate position Hard 500.99,61.03,479.03": 120
I have the time value set short to test things.
Console Command Fails For MeSolved
I just started an event in consol with no problems.
gcrate start <event-name|optional>, start specified event or random if none specified.
So i typed
> gcrate start easy (and got)
Interesting. I tried it just now with using "start" in the command, and just a basic command, but it did not work for me. I thought how I wrote the command was exactly how it is listed on the plugin page. Since I did not see a way to disable each event level I deleted the ones I did not want and only left the "Hard" one. I now wonder if that has messed things up. I have deleted the plugin along with all its parts and reinstalled from scratch too. I may well have a plugin conflict but really have no idea how to go about troubleshooting that.
Merged post
I should have added that the Chat command works as expected. It is only the Console command(s) that fail for me. It strikes me odd that this could be possible, but... - could a conflict occur that would only impact the Console commands in a plugin ?
Console commands are working as intended in the latest release.