Crate not lockedSolved

Hello, idk if can help you for my issue but im using lootdefender..

timer for crate work fine but other player can loot the crate after the event is finished..
I've try a easy event:

  "Events": [
      "EventDuration (duration the event will be active for)": 3600.0,
      "EventName (event name)": "Easy",
      "AutoHack (enables auto hacking of crates when an event is finished)": true,
      "AutoHackSeconds (countdown for crate to unlock in seconds)": 60.0,
      "LockToPlayer (locks the crate to a player finishing the event)": true,
      "DisplayClan (display clan tag rather than player name)": true,
      "UseKits (use custom kits plugin)": false,
      "Kits (custom kits)": [],
      "NpcName (custom name)": "Easy Guard",
      "NpcCount (number of guards to spawn)": 4,
      "NpcHealth (health guards spawn with)": 100.0,
      "NpcRoamRadius (npc roam radius)": 10.0,
      "NpcLookRadius (npc look radius)": 100.0,
      "NpcAttackRadius (npc attack radius)": 100.0,
      "CargoSpeed (time cargo plane will drop in seconds)": 180.0,
      "MarkerColor (marker color)": "#32a844",
      "MarkerBorderColor (marker border color)": "#000000",
      "MarkerOpacity (marker opacity)": 0.9,
      "UseLoot (use custom loot table)": false,
      "MaxLootItems (max items to spawn in crate)": 6,
      "CustomLoot (items to spawn in crate)": []

We are not friend, team, clans or other...

Thanks for any suggestion or a fix.

edit: oh ok, seems required for lock to have the plugin Hackable Lock so?

so, possible to have a compatibility with LootDefender please?


AutoHack (enables auto hacking of crates when an event is finished)​

to false and it work fine, crate is locked.

Locked automatically