No "Events" in configuration fileNot An Issue

whole "Events" part is missing from json config file.
I tried to copy paste it by it gives an error in file..

Just realized you also made Bradley Guards; I hope you used same Ai m8. Love Bradley Guard plugin. You rock!


My config file keeps only getting created as below

"AutoEvent (enables auto event spawns)": true,
"AutoEventDuration (time until new event spawns)": 5400.0

For some reason I'm not getting any of the Events config like shown on the main umod plugin page

I get this too, config only shows the following on creation by the plugin:
"AutoEvent (enables auto event spawns)": true,
"AutoEventDuration (time until new event spawns)": 1800.0
The event data is under oxide/data, not the configuration.
@Wulf thanks m8, found it.
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