So what's the future of this site? How do we get help?

It seems most of the creators have vanished from umod. I have about a dozen open support threads with no response in the past several weeks-months. There is no way to flag a plugin as broken or unmaintained or the creator as MIA. I can't even ping the creator in the support thread to get their attention on it.

This site just seems to be neglected and not getting updated with features you would expect to have in a marketplace. 

What am I supposed to do about these plugins that don't work and I am geting no reply on?

To start off this is not a marketplace. and most the creators that have been here are here This is a site for creators new/old to come post there works for free.
Yes i agree there needs to be a section to mark products as broken but most just look in the support thread or you can go in the discord and there is a section for broken plugins..

Its like any site they post free and somtimes even on payed content sites and after awhile lose intrest or move to a new game and just abandon it for others to take over....

Quick Question for ya as ya called this a makretplace i was just wondering how many time ya hit the donation button on somthing ya been using for the last 4yr?

Let me ask you a question, since you are a dev. 

If devs don't like supporting their content and don't like supporting those that use it, why do they make it?

On average I have about 40-50 bugs I am tracking and I spend hours of my time trying to get devs to reply and when they do it's nothing but attitude. Clearly they don't enjoy it and most of them are probably not making that much money from it, so what gives?

They develop the plugin because they have an interest in the game but when they lose interest they stop (in the main) supporting the plugin, Some get tired of the constant requests for change or additions to the original plugin which makes them lose interest even quicker.
Some requests for help are simply from laziness on the requesters side as they have not read previous posts about the same subject, some requesters simply do not understand the answer (no matter how many times you repeat it) and just keep asking until you just give up,
I am not a dev in any way but have been trying to help other people for the last ten years and understand how frustrated some of the devs must have been.
As it says in the terms of service
uMod, its suppliers, and service providers, provide the services on an "as is" and "as available" basis and expressly disclaim any and all express, implied or statutory warranties, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quiet enjoyment, title, non-infringment, and warranties arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. uMod, its suplliers, and service providers, do not warrant that the services will be error-free or uninterrupted and make no representations regarding uptime, use, data security, accuracy and reliability of their services.

Simply put : " its free and if it works you are free to use it , if it doesnt you can hope for a fix but dont depend on it" .
I am happy to be able to use over 100 free plugins from this site which add quality to my server(s) and if they stop working well its sad but i appreciate the work that went into it and can only say "thanks to the devs and supporters",

That is my "5 cents worth" and my only post on this thread

If devs don't like supporting their content and don't like supporting those that use it, why do they make it?

At the time they probly enjoyed doing it but as mentioned above by pookins constant wanting changes and customuzation an complaints it does not do everything they want it to do devs get tired of hearing it and just abandoned it.. If you think somone owes ya somthing for posting free content for you to use then you are not acreate.

On average I have about 40-50 bugs I am tracking and I spend hours of my time trying to get devs to reply and when they do it's nothing but attitude. Clearly they don't enjoy it and most of them are probably not making that much money from it, so what gives?
There not making any money from it here. And if you are spend hours of you time trying to get devs to reply on somthing they are doing in there spare time and for FREE then most likley they will give you additude as spending hours of your time herassing them for a fix it probly not the best way to handel it.

Can you point me to some of your support posts where your posting a bug and there is a please and thank you to the dev for there free time?

Not sure why you are taking my posts so personal and getting so confrontational with me?

I simply was pointing out that this website is a shadow of what it once was. Whether you want to admit it or not is your issue. 

I was also asking how I can get help getting support for plugins since I am not getting responses from devs and can't flag the plugin to have it removed, but it sounds like I am not entitled to ask for support or make feature suggestions to free plugins according to you.

I have spent thousands of dollars on plugins and maps and lined the pockets of developers that are charging for their work, so I am not going to be made to feel guilty by you. Feature requests and bug reports improve the plugin for everyone that uses it. The devs should be grateful that we are trying to help improve their product.

Merged post

And I get that this site is free plugins and I should be happy they exist. But that doesn't make me an asshole for wanting them to work or asking for them to be fixed when they don't. 

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Not sure why you are taking my posts so personal and getting so confrontational with me?

I simply was pointing out that this website is a shadow of what it once was. Whether you want to admit it or not is your issue. 

I was also asking how I can get help getting support for plugins since I am not getting responses from devs and can't flag the plugin to have it removed, but it sounds like I am not entitled to ask for support or make feature suggestions to free plugins according to you.

I have spent thousands of dollars on plugins and maps and lined the pockets of developers that are charging for their work, so I am not going to be made to feel guilty by you. Feature requests and bug reports improve the plugin for everyone that uses it. The devs should be grateful that we are trying to help improve their product.

Merged post

And I get that this site is free plugins and I should be happy they exist. But that doesn't make me an asshole for wanting them to work or asking for them to be fixed when they don't. 

Asking to be fix and complaining they do not work are 2 seprate things im just trying to point out how your asking somone who uses there free time to create somthing and list it here for support....  I Do not think your linging any dev plugin here where your pocket but enjoying there free time with out a single thank you. and a post to complain they no longer offering there free time in your timeline.

"lined the pockets of developers that are charging for their work"  ?,
There are no paid plugins on this site ! so you are not lining the pockets of anyone here by buying a plugin and regarding how the site is now i was told years ago by WULF to  "be patient as there are no guarantees as everything is offered as is and it would be fixed when the dev had time" and that was after trying for three years to get a plugin fixed !. It was eventually fixed by someone else.
The posts by me and Razor are not personal as they are in response to your question regarding this site, both of us have been on this site and (previously oximod,org)  for a long time and Razor is a dev so bringing up the "past" does not impress,

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"lined the pockets of developers that are charging for their work"  ?,
There are no paid plugins on this site ! so you are not lining the pockets of anyone here by buying a plugin and regarding how the site is now i was told years ago by WULF to  "be patient as there are no guarantees as everything is offered as is and it would be fixed when the dev had time" and that was after trying for three years to get a plugin fixed !. It was eventually fixed by someone else.
The posts by me and Razor are not personal as they are in response to your question regarding this site, both of us have been on this site and (previously oximod,org)  for a long time and Razor is a dev so bringing up the "past" does not impress,

Couldent agree more problem in when people think there intitled saying things like "devs should be grateful that we are trying to help improve their product" i Think it should be the other way around they should be gratefull the dev is taking his free time to create a product for them to use and enjoy.  I think he beleves him lining the pocket of devs that are not here on other payed sites make it ok for him to not say please and thank you to the devs here.

He wants support "I was also asking how I can get help getting support for plugins since I am not getting responses from devs and can't flag the plugin to have it remove" Guess i could explain this AS-IS means comes as it is no one owes anyone support no one ows anyone anything not geting support nor the plugin not working to your standarts or at all will make the plugin be removed but could be marked unmaintained if it is not working and its proven to not work on OXIDE.  Askin for support is not a bad thing but creating a post in a general thread because your not geting support and saying things like "This site just seems to be neglected and not getting updated with features you would expect to have in a marketplace." What makes it neglected? Its not a marketplace?  There is no payed staff so there pockets not being lined here? Everythign here is Donation of there free time?