using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeHatch.Damaging;
using CodeHatch.Engine.Networking;
using CodeHatch.Networking.Events.Entities;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;

namespace Oxide.Plugins
    [Info("DeathMessagesPlugin", "Ruby", "1.0.8")]
    [Description("Displays server-wide messages for player deaths with customizable formatting, including sleeping players.")]
    public class DeathMessagesPlugin : ReignOfKingsPlugin
        private string prefix = "[FFFFFF][DeathMessages][FF0000]";

        #region Lang
        private new void LoadDefaultMessages()
            lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                ["DamageType"] = "[FF0000]† {0}[FFFFFF] died due to {1} at location {2}.",
                ["DamageMessage"] = "[FF0000]† {0}[FFFFFF] killed {1} at location {2}.",
                ["DamageDetails"] = "[FF0000]† Details: {0} on {1} using {2}.",
                ["DamageServer"] = "[FF0000]† {0}[FFFFFF] died due to {1} at location {2}.",
                ["ShortDmgDetails"] = "[FF0000]† Details: {0} on {1}.",
                ["defaultMessage"] = "[FF0000]† {0}[FFFFFF] met their fate.",
                ["Sleeping"] = "[8A2BE2]💤 {0}[FFFFFF] was killed in their sleep.",
                ["SleeperKilled"] = "[FF0000]† {0}[FFFFFF] was killed in their sleep by {1} with {2}."
            }, this);

        void OnEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent Event)
            Puts("OnEntityDeath triggered.");

            if (!Event.Entity.IsPlayer) return;

            #region Data
            var DamageType = Event.KillingDamage.DamageTypes.ToString();
            var DamageAmount = Event.KillingDamage.Amount.ToString();
            var HitBox = Event.KillingDamage.HitBoxBone.ToString();
            string Victim = Event.Entity.Owner.DisplayName;
            string Type = Event.KillingDamage.DamageTypes.ToString();
            string Amount = $"{DamageAmount} damage";
            string Location = $"{HitBox}";
            #region DeathLocations
            string posX = Event.Entity.Position.x.ToString("F0");
            string posZ = Event.Entity.Position.z.ToString("F0");
            string Pos = $"[{posX} , {posZ}]";
            foreach (var player in covalence.Players.Connected)
                #region DamageTypes
                if (DamageType.Contains("Impact") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Fire") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Drowning") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Plague") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Hunger") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Thirst") ||
                    DamageType.Contains("Unknown") ||
                    PrintToChat(lang.GetMessage("DamageType", this, player.Id), Victim, Type, Pos);

                #region Main
                bool Server = Event.KillingDamage.DamageSource.Owner.IsServer;
                bool Player = Event.KillingDamage.DamageSource.IsPlayer;
                if (Player)
                    string Killer = Event.KillingDamage.DamageSource.Owner.DisplayName;
                    string Weapon = GetWeaponName(;
                    PrintToChat(lang.GetMessage("DamageMessage", this, player.Id), Killer, Victim, Pos);
                    PrintToChat(lang.GetMessage("DamageDetails", this, player.Id), Amount, Location, Weapon);
                if (Server)
                    string Damage =;
                    string DamagerServer = Damage.Replace("[Entity]", "");
                    PrintToChat(lang.GetMessage("DamageServer", this, player.Id), Victim, DamagerServer, Pos);
                    PrintToChat(lang.GetMessage("ShortDmgDetails", this, player.Id), Amount, Location);

        private string GetWeaponName(string damagerName)
            // Assuming that damagerName is the name of the entity or object causing the damage
            // In many cases, this could represent the weapon, tool, or method used.
            return damagerName.Replace("[Entity]", "").Trim();
Made a Death messages plugin to display when a 'sleeper' dies in ROK. I can't quite figure out, how to fix the issue. The Plugin can run fine just that when you kill a sleeper it doesn't say in chat. User has killed User (sleeping). I have looked at the games dnspy code and can't quite figure it out. Help will be nice.