Local Host Server Broken

Since this update, I can no longer launch my local host server. I keep getting the following error https://imgur.com/a/rbP3Jey (i don't know how to attach images here). I have verified it is not a plugin casing the issue but instead seems to be Oxide itself. I can launch the server as Vanilla and it works but once Oxide is loaded, even with an empty Oxide folder (plugins, configs, data, etc.), I get this error.

I have the exact same issue and error message, mine has "Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown - compiler shutdown completed"

below all that as well

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Hey barret I think I have found the issue

this was from 9 years ago or so...

This is your rust server folder

"just head toward the /steamapps/ folder from the rust root directory and remove/rename "appmanifest_258550.acf" and start the update all over again that worked for me this morning."


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Seems to redo the update and download correctly then loading fine

Thanks for your reply. This solution didn't quite work for me, even after deleting the entire steamapps folder and trying again. I do however keep a vanilla server template for such issues and had to end up saving my Oxide folder and .bat files, delete the server essentially, and just redownload the server files. Still don't know what the issue was but, it apparently died with the old server folder and everything now works perfectly.