I can't seem to kill the NPC, when i do he respawns Immediately in front of me and won't fire its weapon. here is the Data file
"HumanNPCs": [
"userid": 10038728704,
"displayName": "guard 1",
"invulnerability": false,
"health": 100,
"respawn": true,
"respawnSeconds": 900,
"spawnInfo": {
"position": "-1775 4 -1360",
"rotation": "1 1 -1 1"
"waypoint": "airfield1",
"collisionRadius": 100,
"spawnkit": "npckit_t1",
"damageAmount": 5,
"damageDistance": 5,
"damageInterval": 200,
"attackDistance": 100,
"maxDistance": 200,
"hostile": true,
"speed": 2,
"stopandtalk": false,
"stopandtalkSeconds": 30,
"enable": true,
"lootable": true,
"hitchance": 0.75,
"reloadDuration": 30,
"needsAmmo": true,
"defend": true,
"evade": true,
"follow": true,
"evdist": 50,
"allowsit": false,
"musician": null,
"playTune": false,
"SoundOnEnter": false,
"SoundOnUse": false,
"band": 0,
"permission": "",
"Sound": "",
"message_hello": null,
"message_bye": null,
"message_use": null,
"message_hurt": "Medic",
"message_kill": "Die you Scum",
"protections": {
"Generic": 0,
"Hunger": 0,
"Thirst": 0,
"Cold": 0,
"Drowned": 0,
"Heat": 0,
"Bleeding": 10,
"Poison": 0,
"Suicide": 0,
"Bullet": 10,
"Slash": 0,
"Blunt": 0,
"Fall": 0,
"Radiation": 0,
"Bite": 0,
"Stab": 0,
"Explosion": 0,
"RadiationExposure": 0,
"ColdExposure": 0,
"Decay": 0,
"ElectricShock": 0,
"Arrow": 10,
"AntiVehicle": 0,
"Collision": 0,
"Fun_Water": 0
HumanNPC Issue
HumanNPC plugin is not good for making npc attack players or move to chace them.