Changes to how we reference plugins?Solved

Hey folks.. I've been away from dev here, but a few of my plugins seem to be not working.  I guess I need to check after every update.

One major issue is upon installing, I'm getting this error - MonumentFinder is inaccessible due to its protection level [CS0122].  I don't know if this is because MonumentFinder is newer since I last used it, or if Oxide did something in an update, or from Facepunch itself.  I simply cannot install my plugin anymore, and that is the error message I'm receiving.  

Below is the code that I'm using, which references MonumentFinder.  I know that there are many ways to do this, but it was working perfectly for a very long time.  It's specifically the MonumentFinder MonumentFinder line that is throwing it off.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

// Requires: MonumentFinder

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Oxide.Core;
using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;

namespace Oxide.Plugins
    [Info("PluginName", "me", "1.4.0")]
    [Description("my plugin description.")]
    class PluginName: RustPlugin
        MonumentFinder MonumentFinder;
        private Plugin Economics, ServerRewards, MonumentNames, SuperCard;


I solved this by removing the //Requires: MonumentFinder, and the MonumentFinder MonumentFinder lines, as suggested by Whitethunder, and adding MonumentFinder under the [PluginReference] area.

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