Hello Everyone.
Game -Hurtworld
Can somone please help me with this Problem.
I have installed Oxide2 to my hurtwold server. Doesnt seem to work i keep getting error messages and i have contact my server hosting for support they have tried everything they can.
At this point, it's safe to assume the issue might be Umod having their servers down or something like that.
Would recommend posting on uMod's Hurtworld forum to ask about it since I can see there was a similar issue 2 years ago and they offered a Compiler link but it's not working anymore (The link is dead). Perhaps they can provide you with a link to an up-to-date compiler for Hurtworld.
"Error Message
Unity version: 5.6.7f1
Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3777 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Could not check for update to Compiler.exe
Max. redirections exceeded.
Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
Loading plugins...
Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.4108 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3777 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'HWTeleportation'
Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'StackSize'
Compiler may have been closed by interference from security software or install is missing files
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly
Error while compiling: compiler version *.*.*.* was closed unexpectedly"
Also Yes the version is up to date.