Problems connecting through cloudflare

When trying to connect i constantly have to retry due to connecting issues with cloudflar
error  shown on bottom of page

Cloudflare Ray ID: 7eec3bd25ee8a938 Your IP: *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*Performance & security by Cloudflare

This is the only site i am unable to connect to without problems ,

Try clearing your cache, we've been having some issues with our infrastructure but clearing cache seems to solve most of it.

I have cleared it already because in the past I had problems connecting to my server using Optus (who use cloudflare) and after doing a trace found that cloudflare would redirect the signal from me to my server through countries/cities as far away as Calcutta/Singapore, Since changing to AussieBroadBand i no longer have that problem, Since your sites problems started i get an "unknown error" problem and have to keep refreshing the page when clicking on responses or threads and then the page will appear, its annoying but i realise that it is only a tiny problem and my post was only a notification not a complaint.

Thanks, we're trying to get everythin back to a working state. If you or anyone else still has issues accessing the site, please reach out to me on discord so I can track down the cause of the issues!