Brain.Navigator.Init Errors...

Getting this on my server...

10:49 [Error] Error while compiling: BradleyGuards.cs(454,34): error CS1501: No overload for method `Init' takes `14' arguments

Downlaoded the latest RustDedicated_Data to my computer and opened this in VS and it aonly calls for 2 peramaters with no other overloads available.

Bradley Guards Perameters

Am I doing something wrong or is this something you need to correct on your end as Facepunch changes something in the game itself?

Maybe the error is being caused somewhere else?

Looks like I was a bit OFF on my original post, it was a bit further down ... 15 vs. 14 parameters.

     settings.MaxAggressionRange + 5f,

Granted, something may have changed in Rust that Oxide hasn't caught up with yet, but it's definitely NOT another plugin's interference.

Will test this in VS and see if I can derive a fix ;)

Merged post

Yes, it was that line causing the problem ... 15 parameters vs 14. 

I removes the one parameter Oxide (intellisense) indicated it didn't need and received the same error.  I commented this one line out and it compiled!

Given the above I think it is a problem with Rust changing something and perhaps Oxide hasn't accounted for those change yet.

Merged post

Unfortunately, leaving that one line of code out makes the NPC rather dumb, they simly huddle together at the center of the wreckage :(

Merged post

I have the the mod compiling now.  By turning that line back on and changing the 6th parameter from negative one (-1f) to various positive integers.  But values of 0, 1,  and larger don't seem to have any decernable affect. 

Guess we will just have to wait until Rust and/or Oxide catch up and Intelisense tell us what that parameter is for.

Neither Oxide or Rust provide the intellisense, that is something generated by your IDE by looking at the referenced assemblies. The only way it could be out of date is if you have old, out of date references.

True, but the references are set in the header if the code page.  So those references are coming eihter from the Rist DLLs or the Oxide DLL, neither of which I have any control over.

Bottom line is I'm reporting this to Oxide so you guys can review your libraries and adjsut as necessary.  IF however, this is coming from Rust DLLs then I get there is nothing Oxide can do about that ;)