The plugin currently creates a table for each plugin and it does not identify the "ID" as the id. This causes issues with Prisma, a very popular Node JS ORM MySQL client/editor/whatever-you-call-it to ostricize it and not let you use it.

The solution is to update line 553 from:

Sql.Insert(Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append($"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {sql_table} ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `userid` VARCHAR(17) NOT NULL"), Sql_conn);​


Sql.Insert(Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append($"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {sql_table} ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `userid` VARCHAR(17) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) );"), Sql_conn);

I think this might end up being useful for someone in the future.