I noticed that the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was missing from the umod installation guide and that some commands were very different here is what I was able to get to work in place..
Also in my case I am running the AMP panel from cubecoders which is a panel that install rust server with umod but one issue is that it doesn't install the windows dotnet sdk i noticed.. Anyway thought I would share my thoughts and findings so far. wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/22.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https dotnet-sdk-6.0 apt-get update apt upgrade
Umod installation guide out of date for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS/ (AMP Panel is installed but not the whole issue here.)
For what ever its worth the sorce code thingy isnt' working right in here i will post it in paste bin then share a link then.....
Oxide is what is supported here, uMod isn't released and isn't really supported at the moment as it is in development. If you are trying to set up a server for a supported game, I'd suggest utilizing Oxide as uMod is not kept up-to-date for games at the moment and shouldn't be used in a live environment.
Ah interesting.... You see in my AMP panel it states this..
I am apoligize in advance I know nothing about Rust first time player/server owner here just set it up for some friends and anyone else from our community that want to join along etc.. But was looking for at least an admin panel of some kind to manage the server I thought Umod was the way to go now I am of the understanding Umod isn't supported or developed??
Some people tend to think Oxide is the same project as uMod, which causes it to be labeld as such. Oxide is a separate project that was migrated from oxidemod.org that is what is currently maintained here. If you see a host advertising "UMod" or other variant, it's likely they mean Oxide. The install method as you've noticed is drastically different, thought he steps you noted are more of "in development" steps; not the final plan.
Oxide itself is installed by extracting the downloaded zip file and overwriting files, that's it. It isn't very advanced, just a basic hard-coded mod solely for the games listed on the Games page of this site; which the download page states they are Oxide as well. uMod - Games
uMod is mostly a new project with similar characteristics to Oxide, but includes an installer, updater, overhauled plugin framework, and more. If you'd like to see what else is changing, see uMod - Guides - Release notes
Awesome well thanks so much for the assistance I will leave this post here and reference back to it with the development/support team with Cubecoders so they are aware of this issue and possibly able to fix this issue so other users won't have the same trouble I had! Thanks again and by the way even though the above steps got me close it didn't completely fix my poroblem I ended up temporarly installing Vhserver using Linuxgsm really quick which was a very smooth process with out incident.
Here is my post on cubecoders just in case some one else runs into the same issue I did and they get confused like I did.. https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/issues-installing-valheim-server/2601
Thanks again!! By the way the makers of this panel I use is https://cubecoders.com/
Merged post
I don't think there support team liked my post... I got a magical notification that stated my post had been held for review lol... We will see if they bring it back in the future..
Ahh, you're trying to run a Valheim server? If so, we pretty much dropped support for it with uMod (was never supported with Oxide), which was there mostly as a in development test, but other mods such as Valheim+ are a better solution as the client is able to be modded and support the server better.
So in this case, it would be uMod for Valheim, with every other game being Oxide. Either way, I'd suggest using Valheim+ instead.
I have two servers Rust server and a Valheim server both are having issues from what I can see but Rust was my post for here my bad I might have gotten my posts mixed up due to recent issues..
Let me explain a bit more here.. I have a few server boxes mainly Ryzen 7 1700s some with 32 gigs of ram others with 64 gigs of ram and I host community servers just for fun for everyone so if some one wants to play on a rust server generally I just spin one up and move on but since I know nothing about either game I may have mixed up my threads my bad.. Oh this doesn't include my vps units I have from contaboo in st. Louis MO
Got ya. So yes, Oxide for Rust; Valheim+ for Valheim is what I'd suggest.