Total Hook Time

Im messing a litle with som plugin modding / performance. Can someone explain how to test plugin performance ?

I found an performance plugin that says foreksample, that the plugin i coded my self has a "Total Hook Time" on 168 and all other plugin has around < 10. 
What can effect theese things ?

Are you looping threw anything in your plugin?


foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList){
isAFK = CheckPosition(player.IPlayer);

How often you looping.

every 1 min.
and its a low pop server, 3-10 players at the most.

Generally speaking, the total hook time of a plugin is determined by a combination of factors, including the number and complexity of your plugin's hooks, the amount of data that the hooks process, for example, going through a large number of players or items like @Razor mentioned, and the performance of your server.