Advanced Localization

Does anyone have any good resources for understanding Oxide's localization api better?  I've read many times.  I"m not clear on how variables are passed.  There's only one example with a variable, and it's registered as {0} but the local variable is amount.  What kind of sorcery is happening here.. and what is best practice when using multiple variables?  Thanks in advance.

Most plugins on our site use localization. The {0} is a placeholder unrelated to the Lang API, that is a standard placeholder in C# that is used with string formatting or string interpoliation.

thanks, that's actually a good idea.


Merged post

omg.. finally figured this all out!  Thanks, @wulff.  

remember to remove your language file if you change anything in lang.RegisterMessages..

Localization is only generated once per key. You can update localization by removing them or changing their names.