Support for V Rising game
I'm not aware of that game, but usually support would depend on the game language, how open it is, interest, and us having copies.
I'm not aware of that game, but usually support would depend on the game language, how open it is, interest, and us having copies.
Alright thanks for the reply!
This! I'd love to see some V Rising support.
Unlikely to happen since the game is highly obfuscated.
Unlikely to happen since the game is highly obfuscated.
That's really unfortunate
I mean, it can be done, but it'd involve dumping the standard DLLs from the IL2CPP (which we'd then have to distribute 10-20 DLLs from that, or have some method for automating that), patch directly or in memory, and then try to make sense of namings inside of the dumped files based on what the dumper and decompiler generated.
It'd make for plugin development a bit challenging as well as distributing, though not impossible.
Unfortunately, my knowledge of reverse engineering and patching is quite limited. I took a look at the IL2CPP dumped dummy DLLs and I see what you are saying about it being challenging to work with. Seems that the ProjectM.dll binary is the equivalent of the Assembly-CSharp.dll for this game. There's enough information to infer what the types are and what the methods might be doing but it's obviously not as great as looking through a mono compiled project like Rust.Wulf
I mean, it can be done, but it'd involve dumping the standard DLLs from the IL2CPP (which we'd then have to distribute 10-20 DLLs from that, or have some method for automating that), patch directly or in memory, and then try to make sense of namings inside of the dumped files based on what the dumper and decompiler generated.
It'd make for plugin development a bit challenging as well as distributing, though not impossible.
Even still, I'd love to see eventual support. The game seems to have a lot of potential both in its raw form and if server modding was made possible.