Hi. I have an issue with Umod site - I cant join it without VPN, but a week ago I joined it normally. WTF? I'm from Russia if its important.
Cant access umod siteSolved
Could you provide any details about your other user?
Could you provide any details about your other user?
What do you mean?
I assumed you meant you could only access with another user. I'm not aware of anything that would be blocking your login/connection on our end without a VPN. Do you see any errors? What exactly do you see?
I use only one umod account.
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Normally use Chrome and tryied Edge and Opera - same error and no connection with site without VPN.
That doesn't appear to be coming from our site; you'd see an error message if your connection was denied for some reason.
A timeout is a network failure. The connection is being interrupted before reaching the site. You may want to contact your network administrator. 📶
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