the oxide console seems to have started printing...
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'some name' took 2041ms
which is fine but..... it does not do this for all plugins, even though o.plugins , show the plugins loaded & they have 'OnServerInitialized' methods
which are called.
There seems little point in having such messages if they are not consistent.
Oxide started printing debug messagesNot An Issue
Those aren't debug messages, those are performance warnings for those hooks. Those warnings mean that a hook longer than it should have, and could be an indicator thst the server is performing poorly in general.
Pehaps a prefix stating that....
Ok.. it's not the plugins.... even with them all unloaded performance is garbage..
loading plugins actually reduces cpu load.....,
SSD is at 60% health..... that will be it... mind you it has been 3 years...
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