Integration Oxide/uMod with my game?

I working on my own game project for a ling time.
So i ask here for some infos to make my gamestructure compatible with your mod solution.

I want to create a fullmoddable game single/multiplayer.
Complete dedicated server support from start on Linux/Mac and Windows servers.

So any info to make my game works fine with oxide/umod are very helpful ^^

Sorry for any mistakes in my post [ i'm writing from my mobile phone xD ]

PS: the game is still in developement so i wont post public Videos or Images atm sry.
The gest of it would simply be referencing Oxide.Core.dll (soon to be Umod.dll) and then creating a game-specific implementation (can be an internal or external extension) that handles the game-specific functionality for your game with Oxide/uMod. You'd then create hooks (these are normally injected into games, but can be directly added by you) that plugins can utilize.

You can find all of our projects via GitHub or Nuget ( to integrate them with your project solutions.

If you want to allow use of public plugins here, then I'd suggest following the same hook naming along with the same arguments for each. Keeping the integration as close as possible to what we provide would allow for easier development of universal plugins or even game-specific plugins.

You can see some examples of existing game implementations (by us) at
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but looking at the basics page/getting started. Under "Installing Umod" you download the linked version and install it on your server. Where exactly should it be installed, surely not the oxide/programs directory?
In response to custardream ():
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but looking at the basics page/getting started. Under "Installin...
The Docs here are updated for the upcoming changes and rename to uMod. Builds are still branded Oxide, so they will be creating an "oxide" directory. Install is a simple extract and overwrite in your server install location; the folders will match up.

PS. General Support would be the place to post, not this thread. ;)