Some feedback on the plugin submission
First of all, great work. I like the feature set, the site looks great. Thanks for all this!

Just some general feedback:

The rejection email I got for my plugin totally makes sense. It would be good if those were stated somewhere clearly while submitting a plugin. Also it would probably be beneficial to have a clear example linked in the rejection on how to add localicalization to a plugin, such as a link to the Lang documentation. I couldn't find it in the Rust API docs ( and had to dig out how to do it in another plugin by another author.

The plugin name automatically adding spaces is a little meh. The thing I am developing has a CamelCase name, so the plugin not having that string in the name makes it so I either need to make it Camelcase or deal with the word being split. 

It seems like the build inspection is warning me about included addons. Also it's telling me the plugin name variables are null. Seems like they can't be null if they're being included. Example, with my plugin using a BetterChat reference:

System.Object Oxide.Plugins.BetterChat::OnUserChat(Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer,System.String) View Details 
Severity: Medium 
Confidence: High 
Location: System.Object Oxide.Plugins.BetterChat::OnUserChat(Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer,System.String)
Of course, I may be doing something wrong there, so if I am referencing plugins incorrectly, mia culpa. :)

Again, thanks for everything!
They normally would be, but the site, documentation, and process isn't finished yet. There are a lot of open issues for enhancement/improvements for it, just a matter of time to get them implemented. You can see those issues at

The spacing is for titles that make sense, as it should be formatted as title and not ThisIsMyPluginTitle; so names like Welcome TP or BGrades would not need the spaces. The title is what would be displayed in command help and such, so having it formatted as a title is better for displaying.

The inspection stuff has room for improvement, a lot of that is standard C# inspection and not really tailored to our setup yet.
In response to Wulf ():
They normally would be, but the site, documentation, and process isn't finished yet. There are a lot...
Cool, thanks for the link to the issues. Lots going on there. :) 

As far as the titles, as ludicrous example to illistrate, say I wanted to create a "MySpace Announcer" plugin. So people search for "myspace", but the title has been changed to "My Space". Is the expectation that one would add "myspace" as a tag so it shows up in search?
In response to MrPoundsign ():
Cool, thanks for the link to the issues. Lots going on there. :) 

As far as the titles, a...
"MySpace" would be one word as that is how it is normally formatted. The guideline applies more to others like "TeleportationTool" or "AdminStuff".