Show user command does not display inherited permissionsSolved
Hello Wulf & friends!
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

Is there a way to show a user's permissions inherited from parent groups when using user <playerNameOrID>?
It would save time instead of having to call group <groupName> repeatedly.

Example scenario:

I have 2 groups, they are parentgroup and childgroup. As you probably guessed, parentgroup is the parent of childgroup and therefore childgroup inherits all parentgroup's permissions. Our player, Bob, is assigned to childgroup and so he has all permissions of both childgroup and parentgroup and they work just fine.

Output from user Bob displays:
Player 'Bob (SteamID)' permissions:
defaultperm1, childperm1, childperm2

Player 'Bob (SteamID)' groups:
childgroup, default

Output from group childgroup displays:
Group 'childgroup' players:
SteamID (Bob)

Group 'childgroup' permissions:
childperm1, childperm2
Parent group 'parentgroup' permissions:
parentperm1, parentperm2
There are a lot of limitations with the commands right now, this is one of them; but we won't be doing any changes to them in the older Oxide builds.
Thanks Wulf!
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