Plugin approval queue indicatorNo Thanks
It would be cool if there was some kind of "plugin approval queue indicator" that would, apart form the Awaiting Approval-indicator show how many plugins are in the "approval queue" and at which position that plugin is in said queue.

E.g.: Awaiting Approval [9/20]
That woudn't be very accurate, as the queue changes based on pending changes and the many existing plugins from the migration that currrently do not compile.
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anyway at least could indicate something, huh
I think it would make waiting easier because you can see the progress.
Now it is basically like Christmas with the added difficulty that you have no clue on which date it is...
It wouldn't help you at all at this point, so I don't think it's worth the time and the innevitable extra threads asking about that number. There are only a couple pages in queue at the moment for current submissions (20 or so), which you are one of the earlier ones.

The general idea is that we'd have plugins reviewed under 24 hours (we get notices for this), but that doesn't happen at the moment due to time.
I wasn't asking when my plugin gets reviewed, I only had this idea with the "approval queue indicator" and thought that it was worth suggesting.
If I would have wanted information about when my plugin gets approved in particular I would have asked for it directly.

Still thank you for the info.

PS: Isn't it a funny coincidence that there are about 20 plugins awaiting approval which is the exact number I used in my example?
In response to GeniusPlayUnique ():
I wasn't asking when my plugin gets reviewed, I only had this idea with the "approval queue indicato...

I wasn’t suggesting that you were, I was saying that in general it wouldn’t really provide any useful information at this time and would not be worth the time spent because of that.

The 20 was a rough guess (10 plugins per page) didn’t even think about your example.

Like I said though, not at this point, but potentially down the line. There wouldn’t really be a reason to have this at all if we get caught up.

Oh, I think I misunderstood the "extra threads" part, sorry about that.

Ok, I just thought I might be a good idea because all the plugins I have uploaded took between 15 and 25 days to get reviewed.
But I uploaded all of them rather recently so I lack the experience of how long the process usually takes.
In response to GeniusPlayUnique ():
Oh, I think I misunderstood the "extra threads" part, sorry about that.

Ok, I just though...
I actually overlooked your plugin somehow, but will be reviewing it shortly.
Good the hear, thanks.
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