i understand that ;)
domain is a premium domain from web.de, its @email.de
if i give him public my username, all see my email too ;)
[email protected] :)
Merged postWulf, can i now take the @eMail.de domain ?
Merged post... this is not very userfriendly, if the admin no answer more.
is very bad, i lost so my username and cant log in, because i cant change the email adress now, if admin dont help.
Merged postso another try: admin, the email domain is @email.de, can user now take this ? its a premuim adress-domain from web.de, not trash mail
Merged postif i try to login, it comes: These credentials do not match our records.
if i want register new this name and email it comes: email and name are taken or so
what now? taken or not match ? i think ure registersystem is bad ;) admin, can u write me privatemessage, so i give u my email and username and register it manually or i will lost my username, this is very bad.