Gather rate not working on quarriesNot An Issue
I cant seem to work out how to increase the quarrys multiplier, Ive put all the ores and increased to 2x gather then tested nothing changed i then done 5x gather rate and was only bringing 4 in still.
This is being tested on the quarrys that come pre placed on the maps. Dose the gather rates only work for placed quarrys by players?
Edit the .json manually.
since the latest update my quarries and not running at 5X I have removed and added each update you uploaded I have been using this plugin for a while now and the past couple of day now the people on my server have been complaining that it's still not 5X so I just tested it I ran 3 tests at each for a total of 9 tests in a row 5x 7X and 9X each time using 10 fuel and each time the same amount comes out everytime everything else works fine just not the quarries ..... Here is my config file and I'll also try to put a link of the svreenshot of the test I did ....also my oxide is ...

(10:11:11) | Oxide.Rust Version: 2.0.4524

  "Messages": {
    "Dispensers": "Resource Dispensers",
    "Excavators": "Excavators",
    "HelpText": "/gather - Shows you detailed gather information.",
    "HelpTextAdmin": "To change the resources gained by gathering use the command:\r\ngather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the amount of resources in a dispenser type use the command:\r\ndispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the time between Mining Quarry gathers:\r\nquarry.tickrate <seconds>",
    "HelpTextMiningQuarrySpeed": "Time between Mining Quarry gathers: {0} second(s).",
    "HelpTextPlayer": "Resources gained from gathering have been scaled to the following:",
    "HelpTextPlayerDefault": "Default values.",
    "HelpTextPlayerGains": "Resources gained from {0}:",
    "InvalidArgumentsDispenserType": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use dispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>",
    "InvalidArgumentsGather": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use gather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>",
    "InvalidArgumentsMiningQuarrySpeed": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use quarry.rate <time between gathers in seconds>",
    "InvalidDispenser": "{0} is not a valid dispenser. Check gather.dispensers for a list of available options.",
    "InvalidMiningQuarrySpeed": "You can't set the speed lower than 1 second!",
    "InvalidModifier": "Invalid modifier supplied! The new modifier always needs to be bigger than 0!",
    "InvalidResource": "{0} is not a valid resource. Check gather.resources for a list of available options.",
    "MiningQuarries": "Mining Quarries",
    "ModifyDispenser": "You have set the resource amount for {0} dispensers to x{1}",
    "ModifyMiningQuarrySpeed": "The Mining Quarry will now provide resources every {0} seconds.",
    "ModifyResource": "You have set the gather rate for {0} to x{1} from {2}.",
    "ModifyResourceRemove": "You have reset the gather rate for {0} from {1}.",
    "NotAllowed": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
    "Pickups": "pickups",
    "SurveyCharges": "Survey Charges"
  "Options": {
    "ExcavatorBeltSpeedMax": 0.1,
    "ExcavatorResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 5.0
    "ExcavatorResourceTickRate": 3.0,
    "ExcavatorTimeForFullResources": 120.0,
    "GatherDispenserModifiers": {},
    "GatherResourceModifiers": {
      "Wood": 5.0,
      "Stones": 5.0,
      "High Quality Metal ore": 10.0,
      "*": 5.0,
      "High Quality Metal Ore": 10.0
    "MiningQuarryResourceTickRate": 5.0,
    "PickupResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 5.0,
      "Stones": 5.0
    "QuarryResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 5.0
    "SurveyResourceModifiers": {}
  "Settings": {
    "ChatPrefix": "Gather Manager",
    "ChatPrefixColor": "#008000ff"
If i do "*": 3.0 under quarry will that mean all quarry's so i dont have to list individual resources 

This is my current setup.
"QuarryResourceModifiers": {
"Stones": 2.0,
"Metal Ore": 2.0,
"Sulfur": 2.0,
"High Quality Metal Ore": 2.0

Also is it possible to use gather manager to make scrap 2x?
Make sure you are fully updated with both the plugin and Oxide as well.
Not work for Quarry... need fix ?
5e13a8d5b2bc5.jpg Wulf
Make sure you are fully updated with both the plugin and Oxide as well.

Can u fix it ?

Mining Quarry again dont work ? change in config didnt help me....
Make sure you are fully updated with both the plugin and Oxide as well.
5e13a8d5b2bc5.jpg Wulf
Make sure you are fully updated with both the plugin and Oxide as well.

Oxide.Rust Version: 2.0.4543
"Gather Manager" (2.2.74) by Ryan (0.19s) - GatherManager.cs

it`s fully ?)

There may have been an issue with the hook the plugin uses. I pushed up a dev build, but it needs to be tested before release.
5e13a8d5b2bc5.jpg Wulf
There may have been an issue with the hook the plugin uses. I pushed up a dev build, but it needs to be tested before release.

i find why .... coz when i update server or Oxide... on  my host, we had many errors with update...allways, and now make update Oxide with some errs... Sorry for previos, now its ok. Thx for ur help

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