Kicked: Packet Flooding: Player TickSolved

When I did test purchase, It kicked whole god damn server with this error kicked: Packet Flooding: Player Tick

Here what I found in Logs if helps. 

[SERVER v1.0.20] Console: Tip4serv.cs(251,30): warning CS0168: The variable `e' is declared but never used
Tip4serv.cs(44,17): warning CS0169: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Tip4serv.Payments.status' is never used

Hi Explorer, thank you for your feedback. The plugin has been updated !

So after this update it wont kick players anymore? 

The errors you sent me have been corrected. The plugin is unable to kick players. No server has this problem before, please check your server configuration.

buAoDrONEHLACwI.png Tip4Serv

The errors you sent me have been corrected. The plugin is unable to kick players. No server has this problem before, please check your server configuration.

It works after update tho.

I'm sorry but i advise you to update the plugin again because I have just located the player kick problem, it's solved in version 1.3.3 ! If you currently have kick problems restart the server with the new plugin.


YaifaTwaXsI027t.png Tip4Serv

I'm sorry but i advise you to update the plugin again because I have just located the player kick problem, it's solved in version 1.3.3 ! If you currently have kick problems restart the server with the new plugin.



#Thank you!

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