Is there any way to get integration with this and Simple Link by @Ryz0r ?
Ex.) If someone already has their Steam + Discord accounts linked via Simple Link, use this plugin to add additional Discord Roles / Oxide Groups syncing? I don't believe @Ryz0r's allows you to add additional Roles to Sync with Oxide Groups outside of the "out of the box" Linked, Nitro & Steam Group syncing.
Integration with Simple Link by Ryz0r?
If the above is not possible - can you elaborate a little bit on this information under "Multi Game Server Support" for Discord Roles:The only limitation is you cannot have multiple game servers syncing an oxide group to the same discord role.
Are you indicating if I have say, 5 different Rust Game Servers, and I have an Oxide Group titled "VIP" on all 5 servers, I cannot point them all to the same Discord Role titled "VIP"? So to make that work... I would need.... 5 different Discord Roles? So in this setup?:
10X No BP's - "VIP" Oxide Group > Discord Server - "VIP-10X-NOBP" Discord Role
2X Solo/Duo - "VIP" Oxide Group > Discord Server - "VIP-2X-SOLODUO" Discord Role
2X Quad - "VIP" Oxide Group > Discord Server - "VIP-2X-QUAD" Discord Role
2X Bi-Weekly - "VIP" Oxide Group > Discord Server - "VIP-2X-BIWEEKLY" Discord Role
2X Main - "VIP" Oxide Group > Discord Server - "VIP-2X-MAIN" Discord Role
Obviously I would like just 1 Discord Role named "VIP" to sync to ALL 5 Server's Oxide Group name of "VIP" .... but it doesn't sound like that's possible?
looking for this too