Failed compiling DiscordCore.csNot An Issue

Since the latest update my Discord stopped functioning and I get the following error in console:

c.reload DiscordCore Failed compiling 'DiscordCore.cs 1. The type or namespace name 'Cache' does no t exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord' (a re you missing an assembly reference?) [CS0234] (DiscordCore 25 line 8) 2. The type or namespace name 'IDiscordPlugin ' could not be found (are you missing a using d irective or an assembly reference?) [CS0246] (DiscordCore 57 line 30) 3. 'DiscordExtHooks' does not contain a defin ition for 'OnDiscordBotFullyLoaded' [CS0117] (DiscordCore 37 line 679) 4. The name 'GatewayIntents' does not exist i n the current context [CS0103] (DiscordCore 23 line 44) 5. 'string' does not contain a definition for Color' and no accessible extension method 'Co lor' accepting a first argument of type 'string ' could be found (are you missing a using direc tive or an assembly reference?) [CS1061] (DiscordCore 66 line 245) 6. Argument 2: cannot convert from 'Oxide.Ext . Discord.Entities.Users.DiscordUser' to 'Discor dUser' [CS1503] (DiscordCore 88 line 395) 7. Cannot convert method group 'IsValid' to n on-delegate type 'bool'. Did you intend to invo ke the method? [CS0428] (DiscordCore 42 line 2731)Β 

Please help as my server and Discord is disconnected from each otherΒ 

You need to update the Discord Extension and restart your server.

I already did that\extension. There's only one item which I downloaded. Maybe I'm doing something wrong then. I'll try again.Β 

Merged post

Okay so I downloaded the extension again, added it to my managed folder, started the server. Same error.

What do you get when you type "de.version" in the server console?

Command 'de.version' not found

Merged post

Maybe the extension doesn't have support for Carbon anymore 🀷🏼

Extension supports Carbon. It has multiple users who have been testing it before release and are still running it.

I can confirm it doesn't work with carbon aswell after the last rust update.

I have couple of servers, those that run oxide works without any issue.

The one server with carbon has a problem.

I have installed the latest plugins and discord extention DLL.

It could be that there is no problem with the discord extention plugin but rather with those two only.

Failed compiling 'DiscordCore.cs':
  1. The type or namespace name 'Cache' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [CS0234] (DiscordCore 25 line 8)
  2. The type or namespace name 'IDiscordPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS0246] (DiscordCore 57 line 30)
  3. 'DiscordExtHooks' does not contain a definition for 'OnDiscordBotFullyLoaded' [CS0117] (DiscordCore 37 line 679)
  4. The name 'GatewayIntents' does not exist in the current context [CS0103] (DiscordCore 23 line 44)
  5. 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Color' and no accessible extension method 'Color' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS1061] (DiscordCore 66 line 245)
  6. Argument 2: cannot convert from 'Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Users.DiscordUser' to 'DiscordUser' [CS1503] (DiscordCore 88 line 395)
  7. Cannot convert method group 'IsValid' to non-delegate type 'bool'. Did you intend to invoke the method? [CS0428] (DiscordCore 42 line 2731)
Failed compiling 'DiscordPresence.cs':
  1. The type or namespace name 'Clients' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [CS0234] (DiscordPresence 25 line 8)
  2. The type or namespace name 'IDiscordPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS0246] (DiscordPresence 64 line 20)
  3. The name 'ActivityType' does not exist in the current context [CS0103] (DiscordPresence 80 line 201)

Yes I'm currently looking for a different way since it's pointless not having my server and discord talking to each other.Β 

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I can confirm it doesn't work with carbon aswell after the last rust update.

I have couple of servers, those that run oxide works without any issue.

The one server with carbon has a problem.

I have installed the latest plugins and discord extention DLL.

It could be that there is no problem with the discord extention plugin but rather with those two only.

Failed compiling 'DiscordCore.cs':
  1. The type or namespace name 'Cache' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [CS0234] (DiscordCore 25 line 8)
  2. The type or namespace name 'IDiscordPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS0246] (DiscordCore 57 line 30)
  3. 'DiscordExtHooks' does not contain a definition for 'OnDiscordBotFullyLoaded' [CS0117] (DiscordCore 37 line 679)
  4. The name 'GatewayIntents' does not exist in the current context [CS0103] (DiscordCore 23 line 44)
  5. 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Color' and no accessible extension method 'Color' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS1061] (DiscordCore 66 line 245)
  6. Argument 2: cannot convert from 'Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Users.DiscordUser' to 'DiscordUser' [CS1503] (DiscordCore 88 line 395)
  7. Cannot convert method group 'IsValid' to non-delegate type 'bool'. Did you intend to invoke the method? [CS0428] (DiscordCore 42 line 2731)
Failed compiling 'DiscordPresence.cs':
  1. The type or namespace name 'Clients' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [CS0234] (DiscordPresence 25 line 8)
  2. The type or namespace name 'IDiscordPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS0246] (DiscordPresence 64 line 20)
  3. The name 'ActivityType' does not exist in the current context [CS0103] (DiscordPresence 80 line 201)

It does support carbon. You must follow the carbon guide for installing extensions as it's not the same as oxide.

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