Latest Update error in console.

(21:55:55) | [DiscordExtension] [Error]: Rest Request Exception (Discord API Error). Plugin: DiscordCore by MJSU v3.0.0 ID: 17151253781980119041 Request URL: [GET] applications/xxxxxxxx/guilds/xxxxx/commands/xxxxxx708/permissions Content-Type: No Content Http Response Code: NotFound Discord Error Code: 10066 Discord Error: Unknown application command permissions

Discord Errors: Request Body:

No Content



Server stopped, Discord Extension updated from TC Admin.

Chat, Core & Players updated.

Once the server started, this error message comes up in the console.

Thanks for for time.


Yeah, you can ignore this error. Won't cause any issues or do any harm. Just a message that isn't being suppressed when it should be.

But the Players are still not working.

What's not working about it?

Tried to put the old one back, and now this comes up in the console:

(10:07:15) | Error while compiling DiscordPlayers: The type or namespace name 'MessageComponents' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord.Builders' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 14, Pos: 34

(10:09:35) | Error while compiling DiscordChat: The type or namespace name 'Applications' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 17, Pos: 34

Basicly, this update ruined my working plugins. 

New & old one doesn't work.

If you want to downgrade you need to downgrade the Discord Extension as well as they are major version specific.

It's a rented server, and I don't have access to these.

May I ask, how can I fix this issue - with the latest version?

Now, all my plugins related to Discord are dead, and no way to revert back to the old one.

Well, install the latest versions of the plugins. Verify the configs are set how you want. Then check the server log for any error messages and share those.

Obviously, i've tried with new and old versions.

Both gives error.

The new versions - supposed to be just update the plugin - and all sorted ?

Or needs to be setup again ?

Depends on which version you're using. If you are using the 3.0 plugin version those were complete rewrites that have completely new configs you need to setup. If you go one version back there were updates the just updated the previous plugin to support Discord Extension 3.0

Look, how can I determine which version is it on the server? I do not have access to these.

My problem is, personally, there wasn't anything mentioned in the update note - it needs to be configured, or something, and it's broke the working state of the plugins.


You don't have access to the plugins you installed on the server? If you read the plugin patch notes for the 3.0 plugin updates it says rewrite for Discord Extension 3.0. If you install the previous version it was just updated to support Discord Extension 3.0.

(15:49:09) | Unloaded plugin Discord Chat v3.0.1 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | Unloaded plugin Discord Core v3.0.0 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | Unloaded plugin Discord Players v3.0.0 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | Loaded plugin Discord Chat v3.0.1 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | Loaded plugin Discord Core v3.0.0 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | Loaded plugin Discord Players v3.0.0 by MJSU

(15:49:09) | [DiscordExtension] [Info]: Discord socket connected!

(15:49:10) | [Discord Chat] Discord Chat Ready

(15:49:10) | [Discord Core] Connected to bot: Rust DC Bot

(15:49:10) | [Discord Players] Discord Players Ready

(15:49:10) | [DiscordExtension] [Info]: Your bot was found in 1 Guilds!

(15:49:11) | [DiscordExtension] [Error]: Rest Request Exception (Discord API Error). Plugin: DiscordCore by MJSU v3.0.0 ID: 17150983681247019009 Request URL: [GET] applications/1115353144940056708/guilds/928747800525680742/commands/1115353144940056708/permissions Content-Type: No Content Http Response Code: NotFound Discord Error Code: 10066 Discord Error: Unknown application command permissions

Discord Errors: Request Body:

No Content

(15:49:13) | [DiscordExtension] [Error]: Rest Request Exception (Discord API Error). Plugin: DiscordCore by MJSU v3.0.0 ID: 17150983674489995265 Request URL: [GET] applications/1115353144940056708/guilds/928747800525680742/commands/1115353144940056708/permissions Content-Type: No Content Http Response Code: NotFound Discord Error Code: 10066 Discord Error: Unknown application command permissions

Discord Errors: Request Body:

No Content

(15:49:14) | [DiscordExtension] [Error]: Rest Request Exception (Discord API Error). Plugin: DiscordCore by MJSU v3.0.0 ID: 17150983667842023425 Request URL: [GET] applications/1115353144940056708/guilds/928747800525680742/commands/1115353144940056708/permissions Content-Type: No Content Http Response Code: NotFound Discord Error Code: 10066 Discord Error: Unknown application command permissions

Discord Errors: Request Body:

No Content

Merged post

Players & Chat still down.

Merged post

I'm not developer mate.

Just an end user.

On CodeFling for instance, if something major update comes out for a plugin, there are steps and such listed we need to follow, to make the older version to work with the major updated one.

What do I need to do, to make Players & Chat  to work?

Delete all the config files, and setup again ?


So you installed the 3.0 plugins. Those were completely rewritten from scratch as mentioned in the update notes. You will need to redo the configs for those plugins.

Right, thanks.
Will update on this, once the config is done.

Merged post

Re-Done the json files.

This No Contect error comes up only.

The server is now booting.

Merged post

I've seen not much of a difference between the new & old json files.

All settings are copy pasted from the old to the new.

I'm still not getting any Game-Discord notifications and vice versa, nor Connection notifications at all.