Hi i have a question about the deathnotes since facepunch introduced the new wolves this kill is not displayed.
I tried to write the wolf2 manually into the config,
but this had no success .
How can I enter the new wolf .
I have tested in the console the wolf is displayed as: wolf2 (Wolf) !
Greetings M4nStop DRT
How can i add wolf2 (wolf)Solved
Hi there, I have fixed this in a version of Death Notes that will hopefully be released soon (still working this with the umod devs to make it happen). You can either message me your Email address and get all the updates, or in the case of this issue, do the following. Go in the DeathNotes.cs file, and find the "private CombatEntityType GetCombatEntityType(BaseEntity entity)" function. Within it, you will see a list of if statements. Add a new one in that list that contains the following:
if (entityTypeName.Equals("Wolf2"))
return CombatEntityType.Animal;
..and then it should work. The issue was the that currently posted version of the plugin predated the addition of the "Wolf2", and it doesn't properly classify it as an animal, so your config file changes weren't being applied. Hopefully this helps.
I'll try that, thanks for the help ;)
Thank you
You're welcome. If it works, please mark this thread as "Solved"; otherwise, please let us know.
I could not get this to work myself i sent you my email
Email with files sent, enjoy.
could i get the file please
message me your email, thanks